
Discover & Plan

Discover and manage processes that present the best opportunities to automate, and offer definite and quick time-to-value.

Rightstart Your Automation Journey

As experts in process automation with a wealth of experience in bringing business transformation and automation to your enterprise, we can help you solve a specific business problem or scale your automation efforts throughout your organization.

Complete visibility of processes

Capture real-world user activity data to create visual process maps that help you visualize how your organization works. Analyze processes and their variants, identify processes that are ripe for automation, inefficient or broken, and any roadblocks that prevent efficiency gains.

Intelligent decision making

Score processes based on process repetitions, user volume, time, number of steps, and variants, and analyze and recommend processes that are best suited for automation based on time-to-deploy, time-to-value, and how changes will affect cost and timeframes.

Process Management

Create a centralized repository of data-driven automation opportunities pipeline to enable seamless collaboration, feedback, and process ownership for effective prioritization, faster implementation, and high-impact business outcomes.


Automate right

Discover the most relevant automation opportunities and efficiently identify and resolve inefficient processes and roadblocks.

Collaborate better

Improve process visibility for all stakeholders for better collaboration, prioritizing, and decision-making.

Ensure quick and definite ROI

Data-driven evaluation and decision to build and manage high-value automation pipeline.

Our recent success stories

A large financial services organization implemented RPA for its Card Compliance Operations Automation, resulting in over $200,000+ in annual savings.

A multinational personal finance company embarked on the automation journey with a well-defined governance structure to identify, ingest, evaluate, execute and manage automation use cases.  

A non-alcoholic beverages business automated it’s data reconciliation process to ensure in-time and accurate reporting and mitigate the risk and the associated cost of non-compliance

Our Clients